Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So I have a new brother-in-law, and while you expect to eventually have in-laws, it's hard to imagine what it will be like. I grew up with some pretty awesome siblings; we were, are, and always will be pretty tight. It's hard to imagine adopting someone completely new into such a tight group. I'm not even kidding when I say that we have a billion "inside jokes". How would someone new feel about ALWAYS not getting our jokes? We randomly rattle off movie lines (sometimes unconsciously) and expect each other to know what movie we're referencing. How will someone new keep up? We have secret passwords that are necessary to ensure a conversation is confidential. How will someone new....nevermind, they're not supposed to know the passwords. But you get the point.

Turns out! Adding someone new to the family dynamic is the coolest thing ever! No, they don't get the jokes...but we get to relive their creation by explaining their origin! No, they don't know all our movies...but we don't mind watching them again! And if we ever need to have a sibling-to-sibling secret conversation...sha-bam, password protected.

So my new brother-in-law adds a lot more to our family than your normal brother-in-law...he's from another country! He has a whole bucket load of other country things to bring to the table. Good things: He's got good jokes, good foods, he and my sister will have the cutest kids, he speaks another language, the list goes on. Bad things: because he speaks another language he is somehow uncommonly good at MadGab...the "boys team" now has a secret weapon.

Random facts: He speaks spanish, but did not grow up in Mexico. And as it turns out, not all Spanish speeking countries are taco eating countries. As a small joke, we celebrated his birthday last week with a taco cake!

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