Monday, March 7, 2011

new purpose

New Look!! If anyone can tell you, my mom can, new looks are my fav! My sisters and I rearranged our bedroom quite often. Often enough to have an ask-permission-before-you-move-ANYTHING rule.

Now the site has a new look!...and a new purpose! Not too long ago, I decided to start a blog. The purpose was to document and share my cake adventures and maybe make a few extra bucks along the way. October, November, December, January, February...I was having a blast! We did make a little extra cash...but my hesitancy to overly charge my friends and family ultimately kept the profits low. 

And now a change of heart. I have a job, my husband has a job, we live in a very small, very cheep apartment. Was this extra money really doing anything? My closet might answer yes...but I'm going to say no. I was really challenged to use my talents for something bigger than just a new blouse. So, I'm turning the blog into a glorified bake sale for the world...for the brokenhearted, the downtrodden, the orphans, the widows, and the needy. Beginning March 2011 donations will be made based on the month's cake profits to prayerfully considered individuals or organizations.

What can one cake do? You'd be surprised. Check out the new page to find out!


  1. Hey Sarah, forgive me for being dense about this, but do we purchase a cake or just make donations? Sorry I'm a bit confused!

  2. Hey Jen, :)
    I am still taking cake orders...just not keeping any of the profits. I'll be donating the profits to different individuals or organizations. BUT, if you don't need a cake and want to just make a donation, the "what can one cake do" page highlights those individuals or organizations so you can give directly to them.
